Thursday 29 September 2011

Thoughts and Things! 01

Why is it that I always tend to over think in every given situation???

Is it that it’s just a natural thing? Is every woman possessed by the demon of uncertainty and possible dismay? Every day I wake up a barrage of thoughts run through my mind before I even get a chance to open my eyes. I think about my spouse my job my life my friends my family, I pick every aspect of my life apart before even removing my sheet from my body. Is this normal?

Most often times than not I thank the lord for existence, how ever what follows that act of thankfulness is this.

First I think about is my relationship and if its heading in the correct direction …. Why? I know we are happy I know he loves me and I him but yet I question… I can’t seem to just be happy in what it is and enjoy it for what it is in the moment. Why?

Next I think about my job and how much I wish I could move forward but a impenetrable wall stands before me that I can see past or get around… why?

Next my life… at a stand still by why? Is it because I’m now in a job which is pretty much the same thing over and over vrs school which is dynamic, ever changing. Hmmmmmm?

My friends and family fall under the same bracket I wonder why sometimes it is almost impossible for them to see the world through my eyes, almost impossible for them to even remotely understand what I go though on a daily bases how tiered I am after my brain puts me through a mental warfare.

My philosophy of life is simply this… even a fool knows you can’t reach for the stars but it doesn’t stop a wise man from trying. You see the battle I have in my head is never ending even though I know perfection is almost never attainable, my efforts to reach as close to it as possible always seem futile.

The Law of Attraction is a metaphysical new thought belief that "like attracts like", that positive and negative thinking bring about positive and negative physical results, respectively. So therefor if  “I need happiness” I will for ever “need happiness”. So I am happy! Something I also tell myself before leaving my bed. I however find it hard to block all other thoughts that intermittently fly through my subconsious.

I am happy, I am successful, I am in love and loved, I do have a wonderful life and fabulous friends. This I know! but HOW DO I STOP MY BRAIN FROM TEARING AWAY AT MY NEW FOUND WAY OF THINKING?! L am I alone in this or does every one have these set backs, cus I swear im about to lose my mind.

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