Thursday 29 September 2011

Thoughts and things 08 ( the unseen love)

Running across the room anxious dieing to tell you what I have to say
But you can’t hear me! I’m to far away!
Drawing closer now screaming on top of my lungs!
And still… you don’t even turn your head
You’re not listening you ignore me instead!
I still proceed towards you as I feel what I have to say is worthy to be heard
I really need you to listen to me and take in every word
Now standing in front of your face crying begging you to hear me out
But still you refuse to it’s as if you don’t wanna hear what I’m about
I cry I bal I plead I beg
I’m hurt I’m upset I’m losing my head
But still you show no remorse
The harder I try to get you to listen the more its seem you don’t care
I’m now beginning to wonder why I’m even there
I’m now at your feet in shambles on the floor
But still you refuse to listen the reason of which I’m unsure
You get a perturbed on your face you start to walk a way
But I’ve cried so much, where u stood I still lay
I start to think to myself still lying on the floor
Why you would ignore me you have never done that before
I get up and start running frantically behind you
You stop and turn around… YES finally to you I got through
But instead of stopping you walk pass me and jump in to your car
I stand there baffled wondering who you are
Eventually I decided to come over to force u to listen to me
Because I honestly want you to know that it’s with you I want to be
I reach out you, and try to grab your hand as you lock the doors
WHAT THE FUCK I try to hold on to you and my hand goes straight through yours

I start to panic my head spins as I try to come to terms with just fucking happened
What the hell is wrong with me?
What has happened to me?
Why can’t you see me?
Why can’t I touch you?
Am I dead?
These are all the questions that start hurdling through my head

Coming to grips with the situation at hand
I really am an angel walking on land
Shit! I waited too long
I had almost 4 years to tell you how I really felt, that its was with u is where I belong
But I guess its too late now and you will neva know
I just have to hope that when I was alive it use to show!!!!!!

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