Thursday 29 September 2011

Thoughts and Things 05 ( The ex factor love)

I put crayon to paper and I start to doodle
Thinking of what I my man to be like
Right now more than ever I need some one stable in my life
As I think I draw and as a draw I think
When will I ever be whole when will I ever be complete
Is there a perfect guy out there and will we ever meet
As thoughts rush through my head of my perfect other
So does he appear on the paper
Tall and of a cool complexion
Not too pretty but just right
Damn he’s almost perfect
As I steer at the paper now alive with colour
I’m inlove with the picture of my perfect other
Sigh if only he could come to life if only my drawing
My hearts desire could be mine
I start to jot down the things about him that I love
As it is only in my imagination I can be with my true love
He’s smart he’s witty and has a good sense of humor
Damn what else could a girl ask for
He’s charming he’s sweet
A bit rough around the edges but that’s adds to his individuality
No one wants anything to perfect right, plus he’s animation not reality
I sigh once a gain and my smile turns into a frown
Dragging my self to actuality from the love my crayon has found
As I look at my perfect man sketched out on the paper
Tears run down my cheek
And fall unto to table where my paper it will meet
As I get up from the table and turn to walk away
I feel I tap on my shoulder is it my lucky day?
I turn around and he’s standing
The man from my cartoon
I cant believe this is happening and happening so soon
At first I was at a los of word
So I said what could come out
I said what’s your name as I totally forgot to that pencil out
He looked at me and smiled
And then put my crayon to paper
He started to write, then paused
And asked me why I looked so confused
I then asked why the crayon you chose to use
He said i wanna use your technique
As it seems to turn out right
And I want nothing more than perfection
So im gonna cross my fingers tight
He wrote it letter by letter
So I was so anxious to see what it would spell
Looking at it full it spelt …………………:)

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