Friday 30 September 2011

Thoughts and Things! 09 (trust)

In a today's world trust has several meanings,

     "Definition 1: Trust means being able to predict what other people will do and what situations will occur. If we can surround ourselves with people we trust, then we can create a safe present and an even better future."
 This can be dubbed the predictable trust, it is natural for human  beinging to think ahead ( I began thinking about my wedding from the age of 6 go figure lol).  but never the less in regards to trusting the "predictable trust" speaks of trusting one because you for see or expect them to act in in a trustworthy manner.

    "Definition 2: Trust means making an exchange with someone when you do not have full knowledge about them, their intent and the things they are offering to you."
This "trust for value of exchange" is simply one deciding to enter into an agreement with an unfamiliar person in good faith.

      "Definition 3: Trust means giving something now with an expectation that it will be repaid, possibly in some unspecified way at some unspecified time in the future."
" the Trust or delayed reciprocity"with this type of trust one believe one good deed brings forth another, do unto others as you wish them do unto you.

Typically the said refers to a situation depicted by one or more of the above, one person is willing and able to rely in entirety on the actions of another,  In addition, the person who is trusting would then hope that the actions performed by the person being trusted is in his/ her favour, with that said, the person trusting would then be unaware of the out come of the others actions, which  ultimately brings "expectations" into play. The uncertainty however brings about the risk of harm to the  person looking to trust if the party trusted does not act as desired.

Humans have a natural disposition to trust and to judge trustworthiness, it can arise in peer-to-peer relationships as well as between social groups (families, friends, communities, organisations, companies, nations.

But... In life who do you trust?

If every one around seem to feed of seeing you fall on your face.
If persons can't even expect to receive their desired outcome because it has now become societies norm  disappoint.

Coming up through the years i have trusted, mistrusted ,been trusted and have disappointed. I agree that i am not perfect, but it is and has never been my aim to not meet the expectations of another.

Trust is both and emotional and logical act. Emotional because in trusting you become vulnerable to the person you choose to trust who then would now have the opportunity to take full advantage of your openness.  Logical because it then allows you to reason out the loss if someone you trust doesn't meet your "expectations" vrs the gain of gratification u would experience if the person you choose to trust lives up to the said "expectations".

When you look at the meaning of the word in text book form it seems all simple but as we all know, especially in today's world trust is much more than just..."textbook trust".  it can make or break a relationship and in extreme cases destroy a nation.

I my life the ongoing trust struggle exists in my intimate relationships and well as my relationships with friends, family etc. I trust because I have experienced your trustworthiness and because I have decided to have faith in you. When I trust it brings about comfort, love, relaxation, contentment, but i have realised it when these emotions are eminent is when the turmoil begins.

So clearly no text book can tell you who to trust and who not to, my best advise is

"Never trust blindly but trust with all your heart"


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