Thursday 29 September 2011

Thoughts and Things 03 (Friends)

Friend, ami, kamarád, amigo, amico,  a word used everyday to describe people we interact with, as noticed above the term friend is used in many different countries and many different cultures across the world…but what exactly does it really mean?!

The dictonary’s definition of this term is as simple as this; a person who one knows well and regards with affection and trust, therefore friendship must be the term used to denote co-operative and supportive behavior between two or more people with underlying affection and trust, right?.

Everyday we interact, make phone calls drop in for visits to continue the ongoing process of getting to know a “friend”, but really how much do they really allow you to know? They say trust is gained over time but is it really… can you really trust some one 100%? Aren’t friends to welcome each other's company in honesty and show loyalty as a solider would to his country? So why does my everyday life has shown different; its becoming harder by the day to find “real friends”, because the world is so full of people I love to refer to as “frienemies”, who are indeed worse than your enemies, trust me on that one. My personal definition of the term “frienemy”, is a person who leads one to believe he or she is loyal, trustworthy and deserving of another’s affection with and ultimate goal of demeaning ones character and demising ones soul.

So since the world seems to be forgetting the meaning of real friendship, I’ve decided to do my part in reminding….

A real friend is one who try’s to always be there for you in good times and in bad. A real friend is there to comfort you when you're hurting and celebrate with you when you're happy. A real friend agrees to disagree. A real friend will make time for you when you need them. A real friend knows the boundaries, and understands when they cross those boundaries that you will be upset. A real friend talks through a fight to resolve it so you can still be friends. A real friend forgives and REALLY forgets. A real friend knows that you may have out grown each other but remains in the background just in case. A real friend is one you don't have to work hard to keep. A real friend can pick up on a conversation after weeks or months of not talking and it's like you were never apart. A real friend cares always!!!! Its much easier to be a real friend trust me!

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